Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Distinguishing Rich from Wealth

There is a great misunderstanding pertaining to money. It stems from the actual pursuit and perspective of obtaining money. Most have the intention to be rich and say they want to be wealthy. What’s the difference? Well, the following information may help clear this up.

Rich is having more than enough money or possessions at a given time. It is having more than enough money for one’s needs and for one’s material desires. Riches can easily come and can easily go.
Wealth is having more than enough money or possessions for an endless period of time. It is also having more than enough money for one’s needs and for one’s material desires; however, wealth can easily turn into a legacy.
Consider Rich as just a pile of money, where every dollar spent decreases its worth.
Consider Wealth not as a pile of money, but a machine of money-making money, where smart spending does not decrease its worth. Its worth is always increasing.
Anyone can find himself or herself Rich from time to time, a lottery, inheritance, reward, or even saving. Rich can last for a day, a week, a month or even longer, but the destiny of rich is to one day run out.
Only a person who has a MindSet of Wealth creates Wealth, through investments, corporations, inventions, copyrights, and other forms of passive or portfolio incomes. Wealth is a product of one's ideas, creativity, resourcefulness, and good decisions. Its purpose is to last longer than a lifetime as it is unlimited in its growth.

Rich is lazy money; it has only two functions: to sit there & decrease with every dollar spent.

Wealth is active money; it is constantly generating more wealth, its purpose is to multiply and create lasting wellbeing.

Rich offers little control or power beyond its worth; its dollar amount. It has the ability to buy or purchase, but once it is gone, it’s gone.

Wealth has its control or power and the ability to maintain wellbeing; a MindSet of Wealth will never leave.
Rich depends on a person working to maintain the riches. The person must work for any additional money or income to replace any money spent.

Wealth puts money to work for the person and money can work harder as well as longer for a person than a person can work for money. Wealth makes money work when a person is sleeping, eating, or enjoying his or herself.
With Riches, there is always a worry of when it will run out.

With Wealth, there is little worry, only ideas to create more wealth.
What is the difference between rich and wealth?
Rich is a state of being that waits to decrease. Wealth is a state of being that looks for increase.

The rich work for their money. The wealthy have their money work for them.

The choice is up to you, which to pursue. So, do you want to be rich or do you want to be wealthy? Find out more in "The Inside Track to Money and Wealth"

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